лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл THUMBS UP/THUMBS DOWN AWARDS AND OTHERWISE TO SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTORS лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл Once in a while you spot a shareware vendor, author, computer club or BBS who adds a twist of value, education or just plain old fashioned service and want to pass along an "attaboy" for a job well done. Other times you might want to extend a thumbs down. Do you have a favorite or not so favorite disk vendor, product or author? Drop us a line! In this edition of SMS I want to pass along commendations to a select group of shareware movers and shakers who deserve a thumbs up for a job well done! Category: BEST shareware industry magazine Other shareware magazines may be newer or have more advertising, but PC Shareware Magazine from Britain is still the biggest and best! With more detailed product reviews, interviews with authors, customer tutorials and "inside information," PC Shareware Magazine is clearly the best shareware magazine in the industry. Category: fascinating new products for authors All are available from the SMS GOODIES section of this package... The Shareware Installation System. Aimed at unifying all shareware installations into a common SMALL installation routine with over 20 programming commands, this is one of the most original and well thought out shareware programs on the market for authors. The SMALL machine code size and ultimate customization only adds icing on the cake. The Shareware Book from Robert Schenot - a fascinating "whole earth" compendium of shareware tricks, tips and marketing footnotes. Writer's Dream and the Multimedia Workshop from Jeff Napier of Another Company. Simple, elegant tools which could create new shareware opportunities for authors. Category: best industry event The Summer Shareware Seminar, hosted by Public Brand Software, the ASP and industry emcee Bob Ostrander. The ultimate annual event which defines the shareware industry for vendors and authors alike. Held in June in Indianapolis, Indiana, this is the place to be if you want to quadruple your income from shareware. Category: most interesting emerging news item. The new "STAR" shareware industry trade organization currently forming under the auspices of Diana Gruber and Scott Miller. If the flexible and productive goals of the group are met, this could be an exceptional addition to the shareware industry for authors, users and vendors alike. Everyone knows the Diana is OUTSPOKEN. Now she and Scott are DOING something about it.